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Femivin Intimate Wash 100ml


₹ 175 ₹ 1.75/ml

A women’s journey can be agitating. Periods, cramps, fatigue, pregnancy, stretch marks and to top it all menopause! Leeford has got the best feminine hygiene products that will pamper you through this journey.

From sanitary napkins for those hard period days to Mensoguard syrup to provide you with the strength to fight any pains during those days; Leeford has the safest and the most reliable feminine hygiene solutions. The cramp roll on is the perfect option for those who cannot leave their bed because of period pain. It provides an instant and lasting relief. Taking extra care of the would-be mothers, Leeford has the tastiest vanilla protein for adequate nutrition and energy. Its stretch marks cream is a boon during and after pregnancy to wipe off those marks of miracle. You can also buy a range of women capsules meant to improve sexual health and well-being. This Ayurvedic formulation helps in improvement in overall well-being. Also, multi-vitamins for women are a staple of Leeford. Providing that extra boost of energy and immunity, these tablets will only strengthen the wings to help you fly higher.

Be strong and healthy with the best feminine care options online with Leeford.