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Feminine Care
(Showing 1 to 9 of 9 products)

Geofit Multivitamin Tablet for Women


₹ 300 ₹ 10/tablet

Femivin Intimate Wash 100ml


₹ 175 ₹ 1.75/ml

Mensoguard Syrup 200ml


₹ 165 ₹ 0.75/ml

Today, more and more women are saying yes to personal hygiene. They want safe products to care for their intimate areas. Leeford’s Femivin Intimate Wash is the go-to product to maintain the pH level of intimate area. This formula is effective in killing bacteria and fungi which prevents infections. It also prevents irritation, itching and unpleasant odour by maintaining a normal and healthy scent. The paraben-free formulation makes it safe for everyday use.

Another effective product for personal care is the Femivin Lubrication Gel. Designed to provide extra lubrication to the dried vagina, it is a perfect tool for personal hygiene. It prevents women from problems caused due to age, infections, various diseases, or menopause. It is an anti-aging formula to boost vaginal health. It helps regain elasticity, natural tone, and lubrication. Vaginal itchiness which is a result of dryness can also be treated with regular application of this gel.

Choose Leeford’s range of personal hygiene products for healthy, itch free and odour free vaginas.